Our Las Vegas Rental Listings

SCROLL DOWN TO VIEW AVAILABLE RENTALS – Read all of the following before you begin your application

ALL Applicants Must Fill Out a Pet Application (DO THIS FIRST):

Even if you do not have a pet or animal, every tenant is required to fill out a pet/animal application. There is an option on the application to select that you don’t have any pets or animals, but we must have this application filled out by EVERYONE in order to have your statement on the record regarding whether you do or do not have pets or animals.

Please follow this link to the animal application:   https://fivestarpm.petscreening.com.

Pet Fees

If you have a pet, you will be required to pay a $30.00 Pet Administrative Fee per pet upon move-in. This is a one-time fee. In addition to this fee, you will also have monthly pet admin fees per pet. The amount of the pet fee is determined based upon the “Paw Score” that PetScreening.com assigns to your pet. This score is determined using a proprietary formula that takes into account things like pet age, weight, vaccination records, etc. The following are the pet rent amounts:
5 Paws – $25.00/mo; 4 Paws – $30.00/mo; 3 Paws – $40.00/mo; 2 Paws – $50.00/mo; 1 Paw – $75.00/mo

Please note in the State of Nevada, landlord insurance companies can restrict coverage for animals with an aggressive past or bite history. In those scenarios, assume your application to rent will be denied without explicit approval in advance from the property owner or their insurance company. In some situations, we may have the option to allow you to provide your own pet liability insurance covering the specific dog and naming both our brokerage and the property owner as additional insured on the policy with at least $250,000 in additional liability coverage.

Resident Benefits Package

(Click here for a flyer)

The Five Star Property Management Resident Benefits Package (RBP) delivers savings and convenient, professional services that make taking care of your home second nature. By applying, Applicant agrees to be enrolled and to pay the applicable cost of $45.95/month, payable with rent ($35 per month if you find, purchase, and maintain another renters insurance policy that satisfies the Landlord’s requirements).

Your RBP may include, subject to property mechanicals or other limitations:

• Renters Insurance from an A-rated carrier including $100,000 in liability coverage, $10,000 in your personal contents, and other coverages.
(You may choose to use another carrier who meets the minimum requirements listed in the insurance section within the Resident Selection Criteria link below)
• Resident Rewards program accessed through an app as a Thank You for being one of our Five Star residents
• $1 million in identity protection
• Online Resident Portals for making payments, reporting repairs, etc.
• The ability to pay rent at over 250 locations across Southern Nevada and tens of thousands of locations across the world
• HVAC filter delivery every 90 days
• 24/7/365 maintenance & repair hotline
• Vetted Vendors: licensed and insured professionals to service your home
• Credit building: includes positive credit reporting for on-time rental payments
• Use of portable carpet cleaning unit during residency (this is not for the end of lease requirements to have carpets professionally cleaned)

Convenience Fees

Five Star PM encourages all tenants to pay their monthly rent using automatic bank account debits through the online Resident Portal. All forms of payment may carry a convenience fees of varying amounts charged by the payment provider (Five Star does not receive any of these fees).


• Houses & Townhomes in the City of Las Vegas or Unincorporated Clark County: Sewer & Trash: $40/month.
• Houses & Townhomes in the City of North Las Vegas: $0 (Sewer & Trash are paid on Tenants Water bill).
• Houses & Townhomes in the City of Henderson: Trash: $20/month; Sewer $0 (included in Tenants Water bill).
• Condominiums $40: Sewer: $12/month; Trash: $13/month; Water: $15/month.
• Houses with Septic Tanks: If the house you’re renting has a septic tank instead of public sewer, there will be a $15/month charge for Septic Rent.

Move-In Funds

Prior to moving in, you will be required to pay all amounts due using certified funds. This is typically done by paying with cash using our PaySlip system that allows you to pay cash at participating CVS Pharmacy or 7-Eleven locations. If moving in on a day other than the first of a month, then you will have pro-rated rent to pay, in addition to your other fees. Please note that when moving in on the 23rd or later of the month, you will need to pay not only the current month’s rent and fees, but also the following month’s rent and fees, since it is so close to the new month. Also, please note that while the rent is pro-rated for partial months, the monthly fees are not. A $100 Account Setup fee and a $50 Lease signing fee to be collected with Move-In funds.

Fair Housing

As a company, we are committed to federal fair housing laws, and we welcome people of all races, colors, sexes, genders, religions, handicaps, familial statuses, national origins, and sexual orientations. In short, we do not discriminate, and we are proud of our company’s commitment to this principle.

Frequently Asked Questions:

• Current Government issued ID,
• Income verification via secure direct bank account verification. Long gone are the days of needing to upload paystubs! Showing applicants’ net/received monthly income totals at least 3x(three times) the monthly rent. Please also upload the last 3 months personal bank statements that we can confirm when we contact your bank. No business bank accounts accepted. Immediate family may use a combined income of 3 times the rent amount. Individuals and roommates must individually make 3 times the rent amount.
• Landlord contact info for the last 3 landlords or last 5 years (whichever is longer) with the verifiable business landlord contact information. (note: per FACTA Identity Theft regulations, we report false landlord references to credit bureaus and local law authorities)
• All adults aged 18+ must apply & pay a $65 app fee (this includes adults with no income, students, etc).
• If you have pets, a digital photo of you with your pet(s) must be submitted. You may send photos to contact@fivestarpm.com or upload them during your application

If we find evictions in the last 5 years, unpaid balances due to landlords, credit score beneath 580, insufficient income, unsatisfactory references and recent or non-discharged bankruptcies, unverifiable landlord contact, unverifiable employer contact. Unqualified occupants, pets and/or vehicles can also be a reason for decline. Felonies of illegal manufacture or distribution of a controlled substance within the last 7 years, felonies resulting in bodily harm or intentional damage or destruction of property for example, “arson”, within the last 7 Years, or sexual related offenses for any time period.

Applicants with good credit / income / references will be approved at the security deposit amount published in the listing. Those with less than perfect credit can be approved at higher deposit up to three times the rent.

A Co-Signor may be used to assist in the qualification to lease a property. Co-Signors are responsible for all payments and property condition, not just financial liability. Co-Signors must prove 5x the rent in gross income AND have a minimum credit score of 700.

Those with less than excellent credit will also have to pay a Credit Contingency Admin Fee. Based on many years of experience, we have determined that those tenants with less than excellent credit are far more likely to pay their rent late or otherwise default on their lease obligations. This increases our workload, as we have to spend time trying to collect the money from the tenant, and also increases our risk, as it costs us money when rent isn’t being paid or when tenants have to be evicted. The Credit Contingeny Admin Fee helps to offset our costs in this regard. We have implemented a scoring model based upon credit score that determines your Credit Contingency Fee:
Credit Score Contingency Fee
685+ : $0.00
640-684 : $20.00/mo
600-639 : $30.00/mo
580-600 : $40.00/mo
579 & below declined

If there is more than one person on your lease, then the average credit score, rounded to the nearest whole number, will be used for the above scoring model. If an applicant’s credit check returns with no credit score, then a default score of 600 will be used.

We will process all applications received and approve or decline it. Should we receive more than one application before the first application is approved or declined, we will compare them to each other and select the best qualified or lowest risk for the property owner. That applicant will have 24 hours to bring in a $1000 holding deposit, or we will move on to the next applicant.

In order to evaluate the various applications it is necessary for us to expend time and cost in credit reports, criminal reports, and other administrative cost. Hence, our policy that the application fee is NON-refundable. If your application is approvable, but not the approved one for the property for which you are applying, or if another approved application pays the security deposit first, then you can use your application to apply for another property that we have available without paying another application fee for up to 90 days. Under no circumstances will the application fee be refunded.

Learn more about other important information by reading our Resident Selection Criteria.